Board of Education

Members of the Gallia County Local Board of Education include:
Mr. Brandon Twyman (President)
Mrs. Paula Whitt (Vice President)
Mr. Jeff Halley
Mr. Larry Carter
Mr. Terry Halley
Mr. Phillip Kuhn (Superintendent)
Mr. Jack Webb (Treasurer)
Meetings of the Gallia County Local Board of Education are held the fourth Monday of each month beginning at 5:30 PM at the Administrative Office on 4836 State Route 325, Patriot, Ohio.
Some duties of the Board of Education are:
Make rules and regulations necessary for operating the school system.
Appoint a school superintendent and treasurer.
Oversee the annual budget.
Enter into contracts with all personnel as required by Ohio laws.
Board Meetings
The Board’s policy of nondiscrimination extends to students, staff, job applicants, the general public, and individuals with whom it does business and applies to race, color, national origin, citizenship status, religion, gender, economic status, age, or disability.
Further, the Board prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in reference to receiving awards and admission requirements for honor societies. This includes excluding students from any benefit, aid, service, award, or recommendation for an award, as well as any admissions requirements for extracurricular activities, solely on the basis of the student having a disability and/or receiving services through a Section 504 plan or IEP.
Board policies that address prohibiting discrimination include AC, AC-E, ACB, GBA, IGAB, IGD, JB, IGBA, IGBA-R, IKC, and IKC-R. All of these policies are found in the district policy manual which can be downloaded from the district website. Also, a copy of the policy manual may be requested by contacting the district’s treasurer at the central office at (740) 379-9085.