Principal's Message
Ty Johnson
High School Principal
Fellow Raiders,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to River Valley High School. It is also my honor to be your principal and to work hand in hand with a community of people who believe in working hard, working together, and going the extra mile to serve our students. I am proud to be a product of River Valley High School, a 2000 graduate. The life lessons I learned during my time in the Gallia County Local School District have stuck with me and helped me in every facet of my life. When I think back to the exceptional teachers, coaches, administrators, and stakeholders who invested me, one thing is always similar; they loved students. That is my main goal as an administrator at RVHS. I want each student here to know their value, to know that they are loved, and to know that success and hard work go hand in hand.
We will always strive to focus on three tenets at River Valley High School; SUPPORT, ACCOUNTABILITY, and MOTIVATION. We will support our learners, our staff, and our community to tap into their potential and more importantly, their gifts. We will work hard to give accountability to our students to create a better school culture. Finally, every day we will motivate our students to work hard, and to see the value of education. We also want to motivate our students to understand the importance of being community minded and to be lifelong learners.
There will be a new focus on how we approach learning and academics at River Valley this year. We will be focusing on a learning approach called Depth of Knowledge. Depth of Knowledge, or DOK, better ensures what students actually learn and understand, and promotes explaining answers, learning outcomes, and solutions. It is our hope that this new focus will promote higher level thinking, and real world application to better equip students for life after graduation. There will also be a renewed focus on academic rigor; pushing our students and supporting them to achieve higher than they believed was possible.
One of my favorite quotes comes from Lou Holtz, who once said, “If what you did yesterday seems big, you haven’t done anything today.” Each day is a new opportunity at River Valley High School. Let’s work together and let’s work hard, TODAY!
Every student at River Valley matters. Should you need me for anything, please do not hesitate to call me at 740-446-2926. You can also email me at
Go Raiders!
Ty Johnson
River Valley High School